It Costs to Wait on Your Horse Property

It Costs to Wait

It costs to wait when it comes to purchasing your horse property.

It costs to wait in respect to buying property. The last thing you want to do is pay more later for a property that you are looking at now. There are many things that can affect the price of a home just as there are many reasons to wait and not wait on buying. Here are a few things that you need to know.

Colorado Horse Property knows that buying a home is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make this year, but did you know that waiting could be costing you more money? Financial experts have been expecting interest rates to increase along with home prices. While homes have definitely increased over the past five years, the mortgage rates today are actually lower than they were a year ago.

Consider the following scenario. Interest rates have increase by 1% over the next year while homes appreciated at 5.5%. That means that a $260,000 home would go up by $16,000 and the payment would be well over two hundred dollars more. The increased payments alone would amount to $17,800 for the next seven years. When facing a decision to postpone a home purchase, you should ask yourself: “how will it feel to have to pay more to live in basically the same home?”

Use the Cost of Waiting to Buy calculator to estimate what it might cost to wait to purchase you horse property based on your own estimates of what interest rates and prices will do in the next year. This cost of waiting calculator is a great tool that you can use to get yourself prepared. Finding out how much it costs to wait on buying a home should be your first step in the home buying process.

Grooming Your Horse

grooming your horse

Grooming your horse is very important when it comes to their well being.

Grooming your horse regularly can be very time consuming. Depending on the type of equestrian property that you own, and the state of the weather of course, your horse can wander back to the stables after feeding very dirty. Colorado Horse Property advises horse owners to spot clean your animal with a towel so that when it comes time to give your horse its regular cleaning you can finish quicker. As a horse owner, we know what your time is important, but your horse shouldn’t have to suffer when it comes to hygiene. Cleaning with a towel when spots or stains occur, it quick and easy. The moist heat and rubbing action of the towel will help lift the stain out. The quick evaporation of the water will keep the horse from becoming soaked or chilled. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Gather Materials—You should use a clean bucket, an electric teakettle for heating water, and rubber gloves. Make sure you have a lot of towels on hand as well.
  2. Hot Water—You will need to pour boiling water from the kettle with water in your bucket. You will know that it’s hot enough when you can just stand to put your gloved hand into it.
  3. Soak Towel—Now you have to get your towel wet for cleaning your horse. Dunk the entire clean towel into the hot water. You don’t want your towel dripping water all over your animal, so wring the towel thoroughly to remove as much of the excess water that you can.
  4. Rub It—Quickly rub the stain or spot on your horse and don’t stop until the towel stops steaming.
  5. Repeat—Repeat steps 2-4 until the stain has been thoroughly wash out.

Horse Laminitis

Photo by Åsmund Gimre on Unsplash

The staff at Colorado Horse Property knows how important your horse’s health is to you. One of the issues to look out for is known as horse Laminitis. Looking for a horse clinician? Check out our horse clinician directory for a vet near you. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Horse Laminitis is a serious health concern that could possibly end your equine’s career. In some cases laminitis may cause such severe pain that euthanasia is the only way to end your horses suffering. If that wasn’t bad enough, the statistics surrounding horse Laminitis are grim. Surveys show that this disease affects about 1% of all horses in America, leading to death.

The key to saving a horse that has contracted the disease is early, aggressive treatment. Though Laminitis has no cure, treatment can limit damage and may save your horse’s life, so call your veterinarian immediately if you see signs. In septic laminitis there’s typically a lag of 24 to 72 hours between the triggering event and the first signs, but the inflammatory response begins almost immediately. The faster you can halt it, the better your horse’s chances will be. We have a lot to read about the prevention of horse diseases.

What About Refinancing?

Photo by Austin Paquette on Unsplash

If you are planning on refinancing your horse property, consider not taking money out of it. I know that might sound ludicrous at first, but there are advantages to this strategy. You could more than likely come out of the deal with a lower rate, allowing you to build equity faster so that you can pay off your home sooner. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Refinancing Horse Property

Paying off your home sooner than later can be the smartest decision you’ve ever made, especially when it comes to being a homeowner in today’s economic climate. So, if you have the extra cash sitting around, opt into lower rates and avoid the low savings rates being paid by banks these days.

Here’s how it works—Consider the following scenario. You, the homeowner, have made nearly fifty payments of over thirteen hundred dollars, making the current mortgage a five percent for a thirty year loan. Now, consider that you decide to refinance for a rate of fifteen years at a little over three percent. If the homeowner puts in $36,000, their payments will be slightly more but the mortgage will be paid off in fifteen years. At that same point, if they keep the current mortgage, their unpaid balance will be well over one hundred thousand dollars. Talk to your financial adviser to see if a cash-in refinance is the right thing for you.

Treating Horse Thrush

We at Colorado Horse Property know that taking care of your horses is probably the biggest worry that you have as an owner and though it can be very challenging it is very important to insure your animals are healthy all year long. Something that you should be looking out for is horse thrush. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Horse Thrush

Thrush is a bacterial infection that occurs in the tissue of the V-shaped structure in the hoof, more commonly known as the frog. The bacteria can penetrate epidermis of the frog causing the tissue to deteriorate. Horse owners can check for this by looking for a ragged frog that is producing a smelly discharge, or by looking for blood on the end of the hoof pick when cleaning the area.

The key to curing thrush and preventing if from coming back is to fix your horses frog. Farriers are the first defense against thrush from occurring, because they can trim your horse’s hooves so that the frog and the heel are on the same plane. This will help promote new, healthy growth of the hoof. Depending on how bad the thrush has infected the frog, you will probably want to treat the area by cutting away loose tissue and applying diluted bleach solution. Another thing you can do is replace straw bedding, which holds moisture and increases the chance your horse’s hooves will become infected, with sawdust or another similar alternative.

Horse Joints

Photo by Vladimir Vujeva on Unsplash

Taking care of your horses is probably the biggest worry that you have as an owner and though it can be very challenging it is very important to insure your animals are healthy all year long. Something that you may be worrying about that isn’t serious are the periodic pops or clicks coming from the joints of your horse. Colorado Horse Property is here to tell you that if your horse is a comfortable, sound animal than there is nothing to fret about.

Horse Joints

Most large animal veterinarians will tell you that noisy joints in horses are caused by the same physiological process that allows people to crack their knuckles. When you bend your fingers the joint capsule releases gas within the fluid rapidly, causing the noise; when the gases return you can crack the same joint again. This is the same thing that is happening to your horse.

The joints you usually hear cracking in your horse are the highly mobile ones closest to the saddle, which is how you can hear it in the first place. These joints include the knees, hocks, stifles, and rarely the back and neck. In most cases, cracking does not mean a joint is in any way misaligned or damaged. Though there are some injuries and orthopedic conditions that occur in horses that can cause the joints to rub against each other and cause a cracking sound, you will probably already be aware of the problems your animal has.

Mortgage Interest Points

Horse Facial Markings

Did you know that when loans are quoted by lenders, there is little to no notice of the mortgage interest points that may be charged along with the rate? You may not even realize that these points exist if you are not familiar with the home buying process. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Mortgage Interest Points

Mortgage interest points correspond to one percent per point of the mortgage amount. This is the previously paid interest that affects the loan’s return. Buyers and sellers can elect to pay these points to reduce rates. However, you should be aware that there can be limits on paying for points based on underwriting guidelines. These can be easy to miss because they differ from types of loans.

Lower note-rates would obviously make the payments less, but with a little analysis you can discover some helpful information. Knowing how much points paid up-front can save a borrower. Also, whether they can get back additional costs is very useful. If a buyer stays in a home for ten years, they can save $2,000 over the cost of the point. A less obvious advantage will be realized because the unpaid balance on the lower interest rate loan will result in an additional savings.

Horse Summer Sores

Horse Sand Roll

Taking care of your horses is probably the biggest worry that you have as an owner and though it can be very challenging it is very important to insure your animals are healthy all year long. Something that you have to look out for are horse summer sores.  Your horses naturally have stomach worms. Though they rarely cause your horse any harm. However, the worm’s larvae can cause problems. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Horse Summer Sores

Suffice to say, the larvae of these worms are what causes horse summer sores. Vets introduced the deworming agent ivermectin in the early 1980s. However, summer sores were a huge problem before then. Ivermectin, moxidectin and other drugs in their class are highly effective against the stomach worms. Don’t let this make you complacent about checking your animals for worms however. Though numbers of larvae reduced, the worms are not completely wiped out.

If you discover that your horse has summer sores, don’t hesitate to get them to your local large animal veterinarian. Most likely your horse will be prescribed topical or systemic glucocorticoids, which are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. Treat your horse systemically with ivermectin or moxidectin to kill the parasites. This removes the adult worms from the stomach. But you are not out of the woods yet. Summer sores are a fly magnet, and flies will irritate the lesion and perhaps deposit more worm larvae. Reducing the places flies can breed, as in around manure, wet feed, or other wet organic material, is the best way to decrease the chance of this happening.

Tax Refunds and Home Buying

Building Tiny Houses in Colorado

Tax season can be very stressful, but for a lot taxpayers the reward is receiving a refund. Though refunds differ from state to state and person to person, the average tax refund is around three thousand dollars for most Americans. Tax refunds and home buying go hand in hand. Colorado Horse Property would advise you not to use your tax refund on just anything, especially if you are thinking about buying a home.

Tax Refunds and Home Buying

While the average tax refund might not cover the down payment on a median priced home in Colorado, it definitely helps out. Ranging from two to three percent of the the purchase price, closing costs for originating new mortgages can be expensive; that’s where your tax refund can come in handy. Most lenders will let you pay part or even all of the closing costs on your new home based on what is agreed upon and outlined in the sales contract.

Just have it written in the agreement that you will pay for your closing costs with your refund. If you are able to get a low down payment, then your refund can certainly go towards that cost as well. Many buyers think it takes 10% or more down payment to purchase a home, and though that could be the case it is oftentimes lower than you might thing. There are VA and USDA mortgages that have no down payment for qualified buyers. FHA has a 3.5% down payment program and FNMA has 3% down payment mortgages for qualified creditors.

5 Trail Riding Rules

Horse Separation Anxiety

Horseback riding is a fun activity that the entire family can enjoy. There are many places that you can go riding in Colorado, but don’t forget that you are still on someone’s land and should treat it properly. Here are some trail riding rules you can go by to make sure that you are doing everything you can to respect the trails that you are using.

Trail Riding Rules

  1. Stay On The Path—As Thoreau described, you may be beating to the sound of your own drum, but in order to insure that your horse will not be tearing up any fresh grass or trampling plants/flowers you should steer your horse on the path only. Eroding the land is one of the biggest ways you will wear out your welcome with the land owner.
  2. Spacial Awareness—Getting to know the land you will be riding on beforehand is always a great idea. Knowing the trail you will be taking will help you stay on track. If you plan on traversing private land, you should always contact the owner before proceeding. Many owners do not mind horseback traffic on their land, but they may specify areas they don’t want you to go.
  3. Litterbugs Beware—The point of going horseback riding, other than connecting with the animal, is enjoying the outdoors. If there is litter on the trail, you will not be able to fully immerse yourself in your surroundings. If you are riding with a group, make sure they pick up any waste they produce.
  4. Taking A Break—It is important to take breaks during long rides, for you and your horse. Make sure you pick a spot that is well-traveled for your rest stop. You don’t want to trample any vegetation and upset land owners. If your horse produces any manure during the ride, be sure to scatter it to reduce the mess.
  5. Group Mentality—If you are riding with a group, whether it is with people you know or friends, make sure that you stay together. If you are a great rider and can ride like the wind, but the rest of the group is inexperienced then slow down and stick with them. It is easier to help those in need if an accident occurs when everyone is together.