Horse Property Water Tank Maintenance

Water Tank Maintenance

Water tank maintenance is an important step in caring for your horses.

Water tank maintenance isn’t as easy as it sounds. If you need help, remember these few easy steps to get you started. First, the tanks need to be emptied. Then you are going to want to scrub your water tanks clean. You should rinse tanks with a ten percent bleach solution. After that, simply rinse the tanks out two more times with regular water and you are ready to go.

With that said, there are many different water tank maintenance techniques to use for your horses. Bleach can be added to the existing water in a tank. You should use regular household bleach in the recommended quantities. These can be found on the label of the product you are using. But don’t let your animals drink as soon as you apply the bleach. There should be a waiting period prior to consumption to let the chlorine dissipate. If done correctly, this can be an effective means of disinfecting your water tanks.

How long do I wait after applying bleach to the water? Following the bleach treatment, let the water stand for at least an hour before allowing your horse to drink. In Colorado, water temperatures are more on the colder side. If the water in your tank is cold, then you should increase the waiting period to at least two hours.

If you are a horse owner, then you know that water tanks need to be cleaned frequently. The goal is to avoid toxic algae buildup and unsanitary tank conditions. Make sure to follow the right instructions. Strict adherence to recommended levels of bleach and the subsequent waiting time needs to be followed in order to avoid over application. If you are looking to buy an automatic water tank system, try High Plains Cattle Supply in Platteville.

Home Deductibles for Horse Owners

home insurance deductibles

Deductibles are essential homeowner tools and here’s why.

Owning your own home is an amazing thing. You have a lot more control on what goes on in your own home. You are building up equity for your future. Owning your own home as a horse owner is even more amazing. You don’t want to be relying on a landlord when it comes to your animals. However, it is nice to know that someone has you covered in case something happens to your property and this is where deductibles come in.

The idea behind insurance is to that the risk of loss and give it to a company, and all you need to do is pay a premium. Most policies have a deductible. These reduce the amount of the claim. For more information, contact Colorado Horse Property for professional help.

Policyholders often consider higher deductibles to lower the premium. Lower deductibles mean less money out of pocket if a loss occurs but higher premiums. Higher deductibles result in lower premiums, but you bear a more significant part of the loss. Reviewing your deductible is essential. Discuss risks with your property insurance agent so that you’re familiar with the amount. Make any changes that would be appropriate before a claim is made. The FEMA website has information and frequently asked questions about flood insurance.

Equine Herpes Virus Prevention

Equine Herpes Virus

When it comes to the equine herpes virus, you should think about what your horse is doing. Some horse owners out there may have only one horse, but many Colorado horse owners own multiple horses. In the case of multiple horses on the same ranch, you should also consider what the horses around are doing, too.

If you only have one horse, then it goes without saying that your horse is at less of a risk of contracting the equine herpes virus. Likewise, horses that only ride at your house are at less risk. Horse that leave the ranch periodically to compete and has a more social lifestyle with other horses are at a higher risk of contracting the disease.

Vaccinate your show horse at least seven days before a show. Two to three weeks before is even better. Some horses may have an active herpes infection and you might not even know. When you go to vaccinate them their body will react. Their legs will swell up and there is a chance they will develop a fever.

Equine Herpes Virus is very serious.

Know your horse’s baseline temperature. Monitor your horse’s temperature daily during and after a competition. Don’t share water troughs, buckets, or sponges. Don’t use communal hoses. This might sound stingy, but use your own and don’t share it to reduce your horse’s risk of contracting EHV.

Clean and then disinfect hay nets, bags, or troughs after use, and don’t share them between horses. The EHV virus can live in this type of environment for a time under ideal conditions. That can set you up for future infection. You can use any disinfectant. Even commercial household cleaners like bleach wipes can kill EHV.

Clean and disinfect areas in the trailer where a horse’s nose or nasal discharge might be. If you handle multiple horses, wash your hands before moving from one horse to the next. For more information on EHV, contact your local horse rescue center and talk to a professional Colorado horse handler.

Exercising Your Horse

Horse Exercise

Horses are essentially grazing athletes. When you own a horse you know that exercise is a very important part in the long term care of your a horse. It is not acceptable to keep horses confined in yards or stables. At least not without providing lots of opportunities for movement. With a field full of grass and zero natural predators, domesticated horses are known to gain weight and becomes lazy.

Horses can be just like a domesticated dog or cat that doesn’t get enough exercise. It is important to make sure your horse gets the right amount of horse exercise to stay healthy. Starting with the basics, horses exercise in three different maneuvers, including yielding the hindquarters, yielding the forequarters, and backing up.

Colorado Horse Exercise

Using these types of exercises are great for your horses health. It can also help you with your relationship with your animal. The more you direct your horse in the round pen and the more advanced the exercises get, your leadership skills increase. Horses will pick up on your confidence and show you more respect over time. While working with your horse, you have to prove to him that you’re worthy of being a leader, by leading him safely and showing how trustworthy you are. Make your horse comfortable by doing the right thing, because your horse will be uncomfortable if you do the wrong thing.

When your horse does what you’re asking, make him/her feel comfortable. When he ignores you or acts disrespectful, make him feel uncomfortable by adding pressure. Are you looking to relocate or retire to a beautiful horse property in the great state of Colorado? Contact Colorado Horse Property to find the perfect agent for you today.

Colorado Horse Property Inventory

Colorado Home Inventory

This fluctuation in the Colorado home inventory goes up and down depending on supply and demand. The NAR, National Association of Realtors, defines a market as balanced when it has a six month supply of homes for sale. The National Association of Realtors is America’s largest trade association. The NAR represents 1.2 million members. These members include NAR’s institutes, societies, and councils. Members are involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries. Likewise, if it takes longer than six months to sell, it is thought to be a buyer’s market and less than six months, a seller’s market.

Colorado Home Inventory

When it comes to looking at the market, the inventory of existing homes has been reducing. This reduction is by approximately 1.5 million houses. This accounts for 10.3% lower than a year ago. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis there are 5.7 months’ supply of new homes currently on the market in the United States. Therefore, inventory has a direct impact on price.

When demand is constant, but inventory is reduced, price tends to increase. This is because the same number of people are trying to buy a smaller than normal number of homes. It is definitely a good think to be able to spot the direction prices will be moving, whether you are buying or selling a home. When prices and mortgage rates rise, buyers might not be able to afford the same price or size of homes. Colorado is a great state to live and raise horses. For more information on how to get a horse property, contact the professionals at Colorado Horse Property.

Lender and Borrower Relationship

Lenders and Borrowers

For most transactions lenders and borrowers have a formal relationship. However, when the lender and borrower know each other, whether they are family or friends, is an entirely different story. The Internal Revenue Service has specific rules that govern the transaction especially when the parties know each other.

Colorado Lenders and Borrowers

For starters, the loan must be done in a business-like manner. Even though you know one another doesn’t mean that you don’t have to do everything that you would normally do. You are going to want to have a written note specifying the loan amount, interest rate, term and collateral. The Internal Revenue Service requires that the mortgage be a recorded lien to allow the interest deduction.

You may be in a situation in which you have a less than normal interest rate on your mortgage. Though this is a great thing, remember that there are restrictions on this as well. The rate charged in the note is regulated by the minimum applicable federal rate which is published monthly by IRS based on current Treasury securities. You don’t want to make any of these agencies mad, so make sure you follow the guide lines they specific as closely as you possibly can.

Your tax professional can guide the transaction whether you’re a buyer or a seller and your real estate professional can help arrange to have the documents drawn and filed. If you are looking for a lender, contact Colorado Horse Property for assistance.

Horse Clothing Cleaning Tips

horse clothing

Horse clothing can be a hassle to keep clean. Don’t forget that horse clothing is not disinfected when cleaned. If you do own some, then you probably have what is called a turnout. Turnouts are not good with hot water, which is needed to disinfect and rid the material of germ build up, because of the nature of the membranes that make up their fabrics.

Horse clothing can be very expensive and the last thing you want to do is damage it. Though it takes extra time, keeping your equine clothing clean and disinfected is worth doing because it ensures your animals overall health when wearing these types of garments. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Tips on Cleaning Horse Clothing

As outlined above, some horse clothing is composed of materials that are sensitive to hot water. Make sure you know your material before attempting any cleaning or disinfecting for best practices. Products containing this type of oil, such as  Pine-Sol, Real Pine, Spic and Span Pine, are great disinfectants. As long as the brand contains 80% pine oil is should be effective.

If you are going to use chlorine bleach then remember that you should always dilute it with water before adding it to the washer. Never pour bleach directly on it; it could possible ruin it. These types of disinfectants are extremely effective in all water temperatures but are harder to find in stores. Check out Amway’s Pursue, which is specifically formulated for laundry.

Renting for Horse Owners

Renting for Horse Owners

Do you own your own horse in Colorado but don’t own your home? Do you rent an apartment and board your horse? There are many reasons why a horse owner should own their own home. Colorado Horse Property has over 10,00 horse property listings. Also, we are committed to getting you into the horse property you and your horses deserve. Here are a few problems with renting in general.

Rending As A Horse Owner

The problem with renting is that you payment is higher that what home owners are paying for their mortgage payment including taxes and insurance. The experts in the field are saying that we may never again experience the incredibly low mortgage interest rates currently available. When you rent, you do not have the same advantage that homeowners have by using their home as a leveraged investment.

If you are renting, consider looking for loans that could help you buy your own home. Talk to a loan professional to find out exactly what types of loans are available and the specific down payment required. Remember, down payments can be a whole lot less than twenty percent, and therefore very affordable. Contact Colorado Horse Property for a referral to a loan professional near you.

Muzzle Tips for Horses

Muzzle Tips for Horses

Muzzle tips are here to help your overgrazing horse. Horses love to graze freely. Horses are happier when they are not cooped up in a stables all day. However, some horses when left unsupervised will over feed.

If your horse is at risk for laminitis, Cushing’s disease, or is insulin resistant, then binging on grass while grazing can make matters much worse. Consider using a muzzle to manage how much your horse is eating. Here are a few muzzle tips to remember when using caring for your horse.

Muzzle Tips for Horses

  1. The Right Muzzle
    There are different types of muzzles in the materials they are made of and how they are made. Some models have a breakaway headstall, while others might attach to the halter. You should experiment and find out which one works best with your horse.
  2. Muzzle Placement
    Muzzle’s don’t always fit perfectly, and your job as an owner is to make sure you get one that does. With any new muzzles, keep an eye on it during the first few days and make strap adjustments when necessary.
  3. Drinking
    Your horse should still be able to drink water with its muzzle on, so make sure that your horse is getting enough water when it comes to a new muzzle.
  4. Exposure
    Though muzzles help with over feeding, make sure that your horse gets some free time away from the muzzle as well. Consider a schedule in which the muzzle is removed at certain times of their grazing periods.
  5. Keep Watch
    Just because your horse has a muzzle on doesn’t mean that your animal doesn’t need to be watched. If a horse it at risk for a disease that grass binging will affect negatively, then keep a watch and make sure the muzzle do not come off while grazing.

Retiring Horse Owners

retiring horse owners

Retiring horse owners can sometimes find it hard to relocate. Looking for a horse property is now easier than ever with coloradohorseproperty.comwhich has over 3,500 properties listed in Colorado. So, are looking for an equestrian property for sale for you and your horse? We got you covered. Your retirement is for you to enjoy, not to worry about where you will be living.

Retiring horse owners will find a haven in Colorado.

But let’s be honest—when it comes to making decisions, we spend more time thinking about which cell phone plan we want to buy than we do our own retirements. Take a moment and imagine retiring on your very own horse property. It doesn’t take long to sit down and calculate how much money you will have to put towards your retirement is you keep a close watch on your spending. The average American has the ability to save around thirty thousand dollars over a period of fifteen years.

Using around $35,000 for a 20% down payment and closing costs on a $150,000 rental home could give you all the money you will need for retirement and much more. The $35,000 could grow to $153,302. The rate of return on a rental could be as high as 14.19%. Remember, the same agent at Colorado Horse Property who helped you with your home can help you invest in a rental home.