First Aid Kits for Horses: The Alternatives

First Aid Kits for Horses

Did you know that just like us there are first aid kits for horses? A well-stocked first aid kit in your tack room is important. Horse owners should always be prepared for equine injuries and illnesses. While the standard essentials like gauze pads and a thermometer are always helpful, in some situations more unusual items may be the key to helping your horse. First aid kits for horses should be updated periodically. When updating for kit, consider adding these less common items. They could just save your horse’s life.

Unusual Things for Your First Aid Kit

Consider adding the inner tube from a bicycle wheel to your first aid kit. I know that sounds weird, but hear me out. You can cut a bicycle inner tube in half and use it as a tourniquet to help prevent blood loss from a leg injury. This stretchy material can make a great seal to a wound. Flashlights are essential in any first aid kit, but the winter cold will drain their batteries, and holding a flashlight while you’re treating your horse isn’t practical. Glow sticks offer an advantage because they don’t rely on battery power and can be placed anywhere.

Another item that you should always have in your first aid kit is duct tape. It might seem peculiar at first, but there are so many ways duct tape can help in an emergency. Not only is it great for temporary fixes with tack, it can also be used as a temporary bandage. If your looking for more horse safety tips, call us today. Colorado Horse Property is the leading horse property listing site in the entire state.

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