Renting News

Westminster Colorado

Renting news can help you in the decision to rent or not to rent? To own or not to own? These are the questions that inhabit the minds of many young people who are making those first steps to setting down roots. It can be a scary decision whether to rent or buy. On one hand if something goes wrong the landlord can fix it for you, but owning your home gives you a great sense of accomplishment and security.

For some of you it may just come down to dollars and cents. Putting a down payment on a home is a lot more costly than a small deposit on an apartment. If you are on the fence about buying your first home, here is some news that might help you make the decision. For more help contact Colorado Horse Property.

Renting News

  • Interest rates in Colorado have been at an all-time low and show no sign of changing anytime soon. If you get a home now you can be locked-in at these great low rates for thirty years.
  • It is estimated that over ninety percent of taxpayers will elect to use the new standard deduction that is part of the new tax law. This new standard deduction of homeowners.
  • In many cases it is cheaper than ever to buy property. This reduction in the effective cost of housing is due to principal reductions and property appreciation.
  • In this day and age it is easier than ever to research the history of an area so that you can make more accurate predictions of how a home will go up in price due to appreciation.
  • Amortized loans and reduce the balance you owe on a home. The loan applies an amount of each payment you make on your property to the principal amount that you owe to retire the loan over time.What does this financing mumbo-jumbo mean? Think of it as a forced savings account—when you make your payment, the unpaid balance is reduced.

Home Equity Line of Credit

Strasburg CO

Getting a loan against your property can really help you out if you are in need of some extra money, but not all mortgage loans are the same. Maybe you need money for your tuition, medical expenses, or to make improvements on your home. Keep reading to find out if the home equity line of credit (HELOC) is right for you.  Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

A home equity line of credit is a mortgage loan. However, it is used on an as-needed basis. Your bank/lender will approve a very specific amount for you based on the equity in your home. The loan amount is available to you with no interest some or all the money is used up. Of course when the money is paid back, the line of credit is available again. It’s that simple!

What is a Home Equity Line of Credit?

Repayments can vary. Lenders require you to pay interest only or payments of principal and interest. The specifics of the repayment will depend on your bank/lender and you should make sure you understand the repayment agreement with them before continuing with the mortgage loan. One of the great things about this type of mortgage loan is that the interest on a HELOC may be tax deductible. Your tax advisor will be able to let you know about your situation.

You should not compare the APR on a HELOC with the APR on a standard loan. They are wildly different. The APR on a HELOC is the interest rate. It does not reflect points or other upfront costs, as the APR on standard loans does. It seems odd at first, having lenders to show the interest rate on a HELOC twice, but it’s a way to protect borrowers.

Rental Property Investment

career in real estate

Rental property investment opportunities come up in the oddest times of our lives. Just inherited a small fortune from a relative? Have you been saving your money and now you’re looking for something to invest in? Do you want your money to work just as hard as you do? Putting that money into a rental property might be the investment opportunity you have been looking for.  Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Rental Property Investment

A single-family home can be used for a rental property. They also have distinct advantages over other types of investments. An investor can borrow up to eighty percent of the value at fixed interest rates thirty years. You can benefit from more than just the down payment of the home—leverage is made by the financing so that the investor can benefit from the increase in value of the home.

And don’t forget, homes appreciate in value. They also provide great tax advantages and practical control that you will not find in other investments like the stock market. For example, consider a $140,000 home purchased for cash that would rent for $1,400 a month. With $18,000 income and allowing for property taxes, insurance and maintenance, it is still reasonable to expect $10,000 net income. Now that’s an investment that is working hard for you!

If you are looking for a rental property investment, you are still going to need to find an agent. Even if you aren’t planning on living in the space, you are still going to be going through the same home buying process. Finding perfect agents can be difficult for this important step that you are taking and you are going to want to do it right.

Finding Perfect Agents

State Horse

Finding perfect agents or companies to go with for getting you into your dream home is an important and difficult one. There are many agents out there no matter where you want to live, but not all agents weigh the same. Some companies lack experience, and some agents may be more worried about their commission then making you happy. One of the best ways to find out if a realtor is right for you, is by asking them the following questions. If you are looking for an agent, contact Colorado Horse Property, who work with some of the best agents in the entire state of Colorado, for expert help in finding the perfect agents for you.

Finding Perfect Agents

  • Why do you want to work with me?
    This is a good question to start with because if an agent is really keen on getting you into your dream home then they will be able to articulate that without hesitation.
  • Who can you recommend for service providers like mortgage, inspections, repairs and maintenance? Experienced realtors will know people in these businesses. If an agent trying to get your business fumbles on this question then they might not be as experienced as you thought.
  • How many homes did you and your company sell last year? How long have you been selling homes and is this your full-time job? A straightforward question to learn how experienced an agent is or the company they work for. Many agents do not work full time—some realtors are summer-agents, in that they have another job during a specific time of the year (like a teacher for instance) and work as a realtor in their spare time.
  • What designations or other credentials do you have?
    There are many different certifications out there and the more an agent or company has the better.

Vacation Tips

bond with your horse

Vacation tips are important to consider when leaving your home for any length of time. Colorado is a great place to spend your vacation, but be mindful for the home your leaving behind. However, data from the FBI in 2012 shows that one in every thirty-six homes in the US was burglarized, while the owners were on vacation. Those numbers have only risen in the past five to six years. Fortunately for you, there are ways to reduce your chances of having your home burglarized.

Vacation Tips

  1. Notify police or neighborhood watch that you are going to be gone. Do this especially if you’re going to be gone for more than just a few days. Let your monitoring service (like ADT) know when you’ll be gone and if someone will be checking on your home for you.
  2. Ask a trusted friend to pick up your mail and newspaper, keeping your yard picked up to avoid an appearance of your home being empty. Burglars are less likely to strike when they think someone is home.
  3. Do not post your traveling plans on social media. Believe it or not, many burglars keep a look out for these types of announcements. If they know you will not be home, then they can target your property more easily.
  4. Another great way to appear to be home when you are away is with light-timers.
  5. If you use a hide-a-key for the cleaning service or for your high-schooler to let themselves in after school, remove these before you leave. Burglars know where to look for your key.

FHA Loan Requirements

adoption contracts

Loan requirements are tricky for an FHA. Federally qualified lenders issue FHA loans. Also. the Federal Housing Administration insures FHA loans, and is where it gets its name. FHA loans are made for low-to-moderate income borrowers who can not afford to make a large down payment. Other loan programs are not meeting the same standards that an FHA insured mortgage can because it is part of a unique sector of the market.

For example: Securing a 75% conventional mortgage that doesn’t require mortgage insurance may be the lowest cost of financing but if the buyer doesn’t have 20% down payment, it isn’t really an option and that’s where a loan from the Federal Housing Administration can help. Around 20% of all new and existing home sales can benefit from an FHA. There are loan requirements that you have to follow.

Since the federal government backs these types of loans it is easier for first-time and low-income buyers to qualify. Therefore, the requirements are not as demanding. If you have experienced the hardships of bankruptcy, foreclosure, or short sale on your home, you can still qualify for an FHA if you meet certain criteria. For help, contact Colorado Horse Property.

Loan Requirements

  1.  If a family member gives you the down payment, documentation is required to show that.
  2. The borrower must have a debt-to-income not exceed limits of 31% for front-end and 43% back-end ratio.
  3. You resolve or explain any judgments or collections on the credit report.
  4. The loan is for primary residences only but can include two, three or four units.
  5. An FHA-approved appraiser appraises the property.
  6. The property must be safe, sound and secure, in compliance with minimum property standards as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  7. The borrower must be a legal resident of the U.S. and have a valid SSN.
  8. The minimum credit score of 580 with a down payment of at least 3.5 percent, or a minimum credit score of 500 with a down payment of at least 10 percent.
  9. The borrower may not have delinquent federal debt or judgments, or debt associated with past FHA loans.
  10. The borrower must have steady employment history.

Retirement Preparation

Emerald Valley Ranch

Retirement preparation seems to be the ultimate goal for the average hard-working American citizen. And who can blame them? Being able to have your dream life after you retire is well-deserved and attainable. However, you may need more money than you think you will need in order to fulfill that dream.  Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

You may have half a million dollars in liquid assets, all your bills paid up, a small mortgage on your home, you may even own your car outright and have the perfect credit score. Even with only ten-fifteen years away from retirement that might not be enough to have everything you want when you retire. So how can you have the perfect retirement?

Saving and Retirement Preparation

Saving is the key! To retire with $125,000 in the current economy you’ll need to have a net worth of $1.5 million at retirement including the money you will get from Social Security—and that’s only if you expect to live twenty-fire years after retirement. With the medical field being what it is today, and advancing all the time, you should expect to live even longer. Your $500,000 will grow to $1,045,420 in 15 years which will leave you about a half million short. You’ll need to save $24,149 each year for the next 15 years to reach your goal.

You should do some research when it comes to preparing for retirement. If you are looking into things without the help of a professional, try using a retirement calculator. Though these types of retirement preparation calculators are helpful, they do not compare to getting advise from an expert. You should try talking to the management at your local banking facility for help in finding a professional to guide you on your journey.

Defining Homeowners Insurance

Photo by Agustin Gunawan on Unsplash

Homeowners insurance is always the topic of conversation when you are planning on a location to buy your first home. But what exactly is homeowners insurance? Insurance is the act of transferring risk of loss of your home or property to a company. Instead you pay a premium and, depending on the deal you strike, the company takes care of damages when it comes to that loss we just talked about.  Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

A deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket before the insurance begins. Deductibles can be a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the policy total. So what is all the hype about homeowner’s insurance? What a homeowner’s job is when it comes to insuring their home is finding a balance between risk of loss. Also, how much of a premium and deductible can they afford?

What Is Homeowners Insurance?

One way that insurance companies try to manage their premiums is by adjusting the cost of your deductible. So the homeowner has to decide if they would rather have a lower deductible, resulting in less money out of pocket if they incur a loss. Otherwise, a higher deductible will lower premiums but require that the homeowner pay a larger amount upfront. Confused?

Here’s an example: let’s pretend that a small kitchen grease fire has caused around five thousand dollars worth of damage in a three hundred thousand dollar home. If your home insurance policy specifies a two percent deductible then the five thousand would not be covered. As a homeowner, you should always review deductibles. You can do this with your property insurance agent. You want to be familiar with the amounts and so that you won’t be surprised if something happens to your home.

ATM Safety Tips

Steamboat Springs

ATM safety is important for everyone. Using the ATM is almost a weekly thing for a lot of us. Especially during the holidays, you need some cash for those last minute gift purchases. Nowadays you can find an ATM almost anywhere you spend cash. This includes the mall, gas stations, sports venues, grocery stores, and even outside of your bank. Therefore, you don’t have to go inside and deal with a teller just to make a small withdrawal.

This makes accessing your funds easy, however it is also easy to have your personal information compromised. No one wants to have their information and money stolen just because they were distracted for a moment at the ATM. The following are a few tips that can help you keep your accounts safe from theft. Looking for a First Bank ATM in Colorado? Try these ATM locations.

ATM Safety Tips

  1. Be Prepared
    Having your card out and ready and knowing what you plan to do at the ATM can reduce the time spent in front of the machine and therefore the window that thieves have to steal your information. Remember, if you are making a withdrawal you can always count your money when you are safely back in your car.
  2. Shield the Keypad
    You are probably not the only one needing to get money out of the machine, but any of those people that are in the queue behind you could be a thief in disguise. Always shield the keypad when entering your PIN. This is the first line of defense against your account being compromised, so don’t share it with anyone or even write it down.
  3. Drive-Up ATMS
    If you are using an ATM from the safety of your car, you could still be at risk. Be alert and aware of your surroundings during the entirety of the transaction. Keep your car doors locked and the other windows in your car raised. Don’t accept help from strangers.
  4. Walk-Up ATMs
    If you aren’t in your car, make sure to choose a machine in a safe place—if it is night, then make sure the location has adequate lighting. Some thieves out there are technologically inclined and use skimming devices to steal your information so if someone looks suspicious then find another machine.
  5. Post-Withdrawal
    Don’t put your guard down just because you are done taking your funds from the ATM. Stay aware if you are on the street; someone could be following you. If you think that you are being tailed, then stay drop into a busy store with lots of people and call the police immediately.

False Alarms and 5 Tips to Minimize Them

Edwards Colorado Horse Property

False alarms aside, having a home security system is a no-brainer if you own a home. Security systems not only increase security, but they also provide a piece of mind. They can also lower insurance premiums.  Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

It is very important to keep your family safe in these uncertain times. Did you know that many police departments report high percentages of calls being false alarms due to home security systems. Sometimes that percentage can be as high as 98%! Besides wasting the police’s time, false alarms could upset your neighbors, which is bad news for those with strict home owners associations. Here are five great tips to minimize false alarms at your home.

False Alarms Tips

  1. Pet Detectors
    Pets are part of the family, just like children, but they are often responsible for falsely setting off your home security system. There are alarm systems now that are more pet-friendly and gives homeowners an alternative to turning them off.
  2. Visitors
    If you are planning on having guests over, especially those staying overnight, you should tell them about your home alarm system. If your guest knows when the alarm is armed then they can avoid triggering it. This is also great advice for those of you with house-keepers or babysitters. Considering giving those that you trust the code to disarm the alarm to avoid triggering a false alarm.
  3. Securing Exits
    An easy way to ensure that you will not accidentally set off your home alarm is to be sure that all windows and doors are secured before arming the system.
  4. Backup Power
    Another great tip is to be aware of how often you should replace the batteries in your alarm system. Most modern home security systems have a backup battery in care your power goes out, so if you have an older model maybe it’s time to replace it.
  5. Don’t Forget Your Code
    It is easy to forget the code to your home security system and entering the wrong numbers into the keypad can trigger a false alarm. You don’t want the police showing up with you holding an armful of groceries because you couldn’t remember your code. Try setting your code to something that is easy to remember but that is also not obvious. Let family members know if you change the code.