Mortgage Interest Points

Horse Facial Markings

Did you know that when loans are quoted by lenders, there is little to no notice of the mortgage interest points that may be charged along with the rate? You may not even realize that these points exist if you are not familiar with the home buying process. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Mortgage Interest Points

Mortgage interest points correspond to one percent per point of the mortgage amount. This is the previously paid interest that affects the loan’s return. Buyers and sellers can elect to pay these points to reduce rates. However, you should be aware that there can be limits on paying for points based on underwriting guidelines. These can be easy to miss because they differ from types of loans.

Lower note-rates would obviously make the payments less, but with a little analysis you can discover some helpful information. Knowing how much points paid up-front can save a borrower. Also, whether they can get back additional costs is very useful. If a buyer stays in a home for ten years, they can save $2,000 over the cost of the point. A less obvious advantage will be realized because the unpaid balance on the lower interest rate loan will result in an additional savings.

Horse Summer Sores

Horse Sand Roll

Taking care of your horses is probably the biggest worry that you have as an owner and though it can be very challenging it is very important to insure your animals are healthy all year long. Something that you have to look out for are horse summer sores.  Your horses naturally have stomach worms. Though they rarely cause your horse any harm. However, the worm’s larvae can cause problems. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Horse Summer Sores

Suffice to say, the larvae of these worms are what causes horse summer sores. Vets introduced the deworming agent ivermectin in the early 1980s. However, summer sores were a huge problem before then. Ivermectin, moxidectin and other drugs in their class are highly effective against the stomach worms. Don’t let this make you complacent about checking your animals for worms however. Though numbers of larvae reduced, the worms are not completely wiped out.

If you discover that your horse has summer sores, don’t hesitate to get them to your local large animal veterinarian. Most likely your horse will be prescribed topical or systemic glucocorticoids, which are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. Treat your horse systemically with ivermectin or moxidectin to kill the parasites. This removes the adult worms from the stomach. But you are not out of the woods yet. Summer sores are a fly magnet, and flies will irritate the lesion and perhaps deposit more worm larvae. Reducing the places flies can breed, as in around manure, wet feed, or other wet organic material, is the best way to decrease the chance of this happening.

Tax Refunds and Home Buying

Building Tiny Houses in Colorado

Tax season can be very stressful, but for a lot taxpayers the reward is receiving a refund. Though refunds differ from state to state and person to person, the average tax refund is around three thousand dollars for most Americans. Tax refunds and home buying go hand in hand. Colorado Horse Property would advise you not to use your tax refund on just anything, especially if you are thinking about buying a home.

Tax Refunds and Home Buying

While the average tax refund might not cover the down payment on a median priced home in Colorado, it definitely helps out. Ranging from two to three percent of the the purchase price, closing costs for originating new mortgages can be expensive; that’s where your tax refund can come in handy. Most lenders will let you pay part or even all of the closing costs on your new home based on what is agreed upon and outlined in the sales contract.

Just have it written in the agreement that you will pay for your closing costs with your refund. If you are able to get a low down payment, then your refund can certainly go towards that cost as well. Many buyers think it takes 10% or more down payment to purchase a home, and though that could be the case it is oftentimes lower than you might thing. There are VA and USDA mortgages that have no down payment for qualified buyers. FHA has a 3.5% down payment program and FNMA has 3% down payment mortgages for qualified creditors.

5 Trail Riding Rules

Horse Separation Anxiety

Horseback riding is a fun activity that the entire family can enjoy. There are many places that you can go riding in Colorado, but don’t forget that you are still on someone’s land and should treat it properly. Here are some trail riding rules you can go by to make sure that you are doing everything you can to respect the trails that you are using.

Trail Riding Rules

  1. Stay On The Path—As Thoreau described, you may be beating to the sound of your own drum, but in order to insure that your horse will not be tearing up any fresh grass or trampling plants/flowers you should steer your horse on the path only. Eroding the land is one of the biggest ways you will wear out your welcome with the land owner.
  2. Spacial Awareness—Getting to know the land you will be riding on beforehand is always a great idea. Knowing the trail you will be taking will help you stay on track. If you plan on traversing private land, you should always contact the owner before proceeding. Many owners do not mind horseback traffic on their land, but they may specify areas they don’t want you to go.
  3. Litterbugs Beware—The point of going horseback riding, other than connecting with the animal, is enjoying the outdoors. If there is litter on the trail, you will not be able to fully immerse yourself in your surroundings. If you are riding with a group, make sure they pick up any waste they produce.
  4. Taking A Break—It is important to take breaks during long rides, for you and your horse. Make sure you pick a spot that is well-traveled for your rest stop. You don’t want to trample any vegetation and upset land owners. If your horse produces any manure during the ride, be sure to scatter it to reduce the mess.
  5. Group Mentality—If you are riding with a group, whether it is with people you know or friends, make sure that you stay together. If you are a great rider and can ride like the wind, but the rest of the group is inexperienced then slow down and stick with them. It is easier to help those in need if an accident occurs when everyone is together.

Let’s Talk Home Lighting


Getting the right kind of home lighting for your home is essential. Even if you had the nicest home in Colorado, it will not look that way without good home lighting. Fortunately, since the passing of a new energy act in 2017, it is now required that new energy-efficient light bulbs are used. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Home Lighting

Standard incandescent bulbs do a poor job at lighting up your home. Therefore they are phasing out and eventually will be unavailable. However, you should still shop around when it comes to these new alternative bulbs because they differ considerably in price. For example, LED bulbs are the most efficient but they also cost the most. If you are looking for a bulb that will show off your new Colorado horse property but don’t have a fortune to spend, then CFLs are a less expensive alternative. Keep in mind that the more expensive replacements offer lower operating costs and longer economic life.

If you are making the decision to replace your home lighting, then you should have a plan in place. It could be very expensive to replace all the bulbs in your home at one time. What if most of the bulbs still work? Do you just throw them out? Colorado Horse Property would advice homeowners to only replace the bulbs in the rooms where the lights are used the most such as kitchen, family rooms and bathrooms. Bulbs differ in light output (lumens) as well as color of light.

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act

Buying a home is a big decision, and the tax laws in the past can weigh hard on that decision. In today’s economic climate buyers who worry about what might happen to the tax laws affecting home ownership should feel more confident about moving forward with their decision to buy. This is all thanks to The Tax Cut and Jobs Act. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act

The good news: The Tax Cut and Jobs Act continues to treat real estate as a favored investment. Whether it is for your home or a rental property, the tax laws are in place. The only thing that might still be concerning are mortgage rates which are expected to rise as well as prices. But don’t give up just yet. Your dream home can still be yours and sooner than you think.

Not only is the mortgage interest deduction intact for most taxpayers, the capital gain exclusion for principal residences up to $500,000 is also still in place. Taxpayers can annually elect to take a newly increased standard deduction or itemize deductions; the taxpayer will pick whichever will benefit them the most.

A house payment under the new laws, along with taxes and insurance, is most likely cheaper than to rent because rents will continue to rise in the future. Rental properties are still great investments because Section 1031 exchanges, capital gains and depreciation remain the same for rental properties.

Hoof Cracks

Horse Rescue Myth

Problems with your horse hoof cracks should always be taken care of quickly. These issues can get worse if not fixed right away by your farrier. In fact hoof cracks can be very painful for your horse. However, some small cracks, usually vertical, are only a minor issue. Horizontal cracks an inch or less wide could be worse. In other words, it’s hard to tell. That’s why an experienced farrier should check them out. This type of damage indicates a minor, healed trauma to the coronary band and is quite common. These two issues are fairly harmless, but not all hoof injuries are the same.

Hoof Cracks

If you discover any of these issues when checking and cleaning your horses hooves, then you should get them fixed as soon as possible. If you notice vertical cracks at the bottom of the hoof that go around the bottom of the foot, this could be affecting the sole of your animal. Cracks that extend more than an inch up the hoof can be sign of a chronically unbalanced hoof.

Odd are you are great friends with your farrier, so you should work with them to find out the cause of this issue so that you can stop it from reoccurring. Remember the longer you waits to call your veterinarian and/or farrier the more damage can be done. Check out our local resources page if you need help finding a Colorado farrier.  Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Healing With Horses at Happy Dog Ranch

Horses at Happy Dog Ranch

Finding the right Colorado horse real estate for you can be difficult, especially if you want to live in an area that doesn’t compromise on social and night-life aspects just because you live in a rural area. Imagine that you are taking a thirty minute ride from downtown Denver. Also, you look out on over fifty acres of beautiful Colorado countryside, spotting dozens of horses.

Colorado Horse Property did some research and found that place with the perfect balance. It is called The Happy Dog Ranch Foundation. Happy Dog Ranch is a non-profit horse rescue and sanctuary, bordering the scenic Chatfield State Park to the north and east. The ranch is run by owners Bernadette and John Spillane. They now have over forty horses and an assortment of other animals including goats, ducks, chickens, alpacas, pigs and more. Also as a child, Bernadette always had an affinity for animals, and horses had a special place in her heart.

Happy Dog Ranch

The Spillane’s did not buy the property for the purpose of becoming the sanctuary that it is today. In fact they started out with just one horse. Then over the years they took in animals whenever the community needed them to. If you are looking for a horse property for sale in Littleton and the surrounding area, knowing that the Spillane’s are close by is a big comfort. The name of the ranch comes from the fact that Native Americans used to call horses dogs. Moreover, if you met the Spillane’s two Irish Wolfhounds, Carrie and Murphy, you would know why. At around thirty inches tall, these dogs are as big as their Haflinger Pony cross named Ayla.

The foundation fosters an environment in which adoption seekers really must get to know the animal first. Therefore eliminating rash decisions. They aren’t just buying a horse after all. They are also taking a member away from its herd and that is a big decision to make. Therefore, the foundation does less adoptions than other rescues.

How Happy Dog Ranch Heals

What makes Happy Dog Ranch unique is that it offers a space for clinicians, educators, and therapists to come together and serve the Colorado horse community. Through educational, vocational, and therapeutic programs, Happy Dog Ranch has helped many people with mental disabilities and behavioral problems, as well as those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder from all ages and backgrounds. The ranch is a known space for Hope Held By A Horse, an organization that assists women who have had breast cancer in healing through sessions with horses. Horsemanship classes at the ranch can teach you to become a horse therapist and get certified.

The healing here is simple. Horses, as a biological need to preserve themselves, can sense when people aren’t well. Drawing out the fears and emotions of someone can help guide trained therapists in figuring out how they can better help those in need. Bernadette, the staff, and the volunteers at Happy Dog Ranch know that horses are teachers not tools. Therefore, these animals teach love, trust, and responsibility. The ranch is also a training ground for programs at the University of Denver and the Gestalt Equine Institute of the Rockies.

How You Can Help

Like most non profit organizations, Happy Dog Ranch cannot function without the help and support from its community. However, one of the best ways that you can help this organization move forward is by sponsoring one of their many animals. You can also make a donation to Happy Dog Ranch through Amazon Smile, Colorado Gives, or simply through Paypal. The ranch also cannot survive without volunteers. Therefore, volunteers get firsthand experience with walking, grooming, feeding, and watering the horses. If you would like to volunteer at the ranch, just visit the volunteer page on their website to apply.

Happy Dog Ranch Photo Gallery

Horse Nutrition

Horse Obesity

Making sure that your horses have the right nutrition to stay healthy all year long can be a hassle. If you are not prepared that is. There are a few easy things that you can do to make sure that your horse nutrition is up to par. You should always try to provide fresh, temperate water for your animals. Water should be kept at a palatable temperature to encourage drinking and prevent dehydration.  Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Colorado Horse Nutrition

Another thing you can do is use a prebiotic or a potent probiotic to keep the hind gut microbial population healthy. Adding feed to your horses regular food is a great way to improve your animals health. When feeding bran mashes, or any added feed, make sure to continue the trend on a daily basis.

Use a commercial product with added calcium or feed alfalfa to counteract the elevated phosphorus content from the mash. Salt is also important for your horses nutrition. Salt blocks, free choice granulated salt, or adding two tablespoons of table salt to your horse’s meals per day will help a lot. Interested in reading more about horse nutrition? Check out more from our blog on this subject.

Feeding Your Horses

Photo by Anelale Nájera on Unsplash

What you’re feeding your horses is important. When grass is cut for hay, it is then dried and stored. This process is a little counter-intuitive because the grass will begin to lose a lot of its nutritional value. Feeding your horses without vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin A, and omega-3 is not great. However, by the time it becomes hay, it is not enough to make sure that you’re horses are healthy.  Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Feeding Your Horses

Your horses can get these nutrients from the fresh grass growing in your pasture. However, what about during the harsh Colorado winter when the grass dies and covered with snow? During the winter in Colorado, the days are shorter and therefore there is less sunlight. Making sure your horse gets enough vitamin D is important to insure healthy joints and muscles in your animals. During the cold months your horses need a supplement to make up for the lack of nutrients.

Fortunately there are plenty of alternatives that you can purchase for your horses to make sure they get all the vitamins they need to stay strong, most notable of which is alfalfa. Alfalfa is a leguminous plant with clover-like leaves and bluish flowers. This plant is high in protein which is great for your animals.

You can even mix in the hay that you already have with the alfalfa so that you don’t have to waste anything. This type of diet will protect your horse’s muscles, joints, feet, skin, hair and bones fed, and protecting his blood and immune function. Alfalfa also serves as a stomach buffer against developing an ulcer, a common occurrence when a horse is stalled during the winter after being used to full-time turnout.