The Benefits of Modern Cabins in Colorado

Photo by David Kovalenko on Unsplash.

Apart from attracting visitors to reconnect with nature, owning modern cabins in Colorado presents numerous advantages compared to conventional construction. Seasoned homeowners affirm that log and timber homes provide abundant benefits surpassing those of their neighbors’ stick and brick houses. Continue reading for some of the benefits to owning a modern cabin. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Modern Cabins in Colorado

Due to the renewable nature of trees, log and timber homes boast a strong eco-friendly background. When manufacturers construct homes with solid logs, it effectively removes the carbon contained in those logs. The carbon is removed from the environmental cycle throughout the home’s entire lifespan. Additionally, some log and timber home producers responsibly source their materials from standing dead timber (affected by insects) or acquire logs from sustainably certified forests. Some builders even adhere to green building standards, further enhancing the eco-consciousness of these homes. Next time you encounter a know-it-all in the neighborhood who boasts about the durability of their brick home, you can share that log and timber homes in Europe have stood strong for over 800 years, and there’s even a log-constructed church in Russia that’s reportedly over 1,700 years old.

Beyond their green credentials, log and timber homes have proven their resilience against Mother Nature’s fury. Countless stories demonstrate how these homes have withstood the harshest weather conditions, including weathering Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. Their solid log walls have protected inhabitants and prevented further damage, making them a reliable sanctuary. Another remarkable aspect of log and timber homes is how harmoniously they blend with the natural landscape. Modern cabin structures effortlessly integrate into the topography. Their seamless fit with the land contrasts beautifully with the sometimes awkward imposition of other construction styles.

Building Your Own Horse Arena

Photo by Dusty Barnes on Unsplash.

Numerous horse owners settle for a makeshift space as a horse arena. Many people use a space close to the barn, fenced off as a temporary area to train their horses. However, in reality, this homemade setup barely qualifies as an arena. Without a solid foundation and suitable footing, maintaining a consistent and safe riding surface for your horse becomes a challenge. If you aim to have a secure and functional arena for your horses, it necessitates careful planning. There’s also dedicated effort, and a financial investment. Continue reading for some tips on building your own horse arena. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Tips To Building Your Own Horse Arena

Before breaking ground, take a moment to organize your thoughts. Consider the ideal location for your home riding arena. While situating it right next to the barn might seem convenient, be cautious if the area is prone to water accumulation. Ensuring proper drainage is crucial for any arena, so avoid selecting a spot that transforms into a perpetual pond, if possible.

Next, assess the soil type in the chosen site. Understanding the soil composition will aid in planning and construction. Additionally, obtaining a permit is essential. While it might appear excessive for a home riding arena, most counties mandate at least a grading permit when a certain amount of land is disturbed. You might also need an erosion and sediment control permit. Even if you believe you won’t disturb much land, remember that the earth displaced will be approximately twice the size of your arena. So, complying with regulations is a prudent step in the process.

Colorado Barn Weather Vanes

Photo by Nicole Wilcox on Unsplash

Homeowners utilize barn weather vanes or wind vanes to indicate wind direction. Farmers commonly mount them on barns and other structures. They serve as a practical tool for farmers and ranchers to make informed decisions about planting and harvesting. Over time, weather vanes have become popular decorative instruments, adding a classic and elegant touch to any building or facility. Continue reading to learn more. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

What Makes Good Barn Weather Vanes?

Engineers craft weather vanes from various materials, including copper, aluminum, stainless steel, and wood. Copper is a popular choice due to its durability and rust-resistant properties, making it ideal for areas with high humidity such as barns. Aluminum weather vanes are lightweight, weather-resistant, and offer a sleek and modern appearance, making them a favorite for contemporary buildings. They are also generally more affordable than other materials. Stainless steel weather vanes are long-lasting and frequently used in commercial and industrial settings. Also, experienced metal workers craft weather vanes to create unique decorative pieces for Colorado barns.

A vast selection of designs ranging from animals to sports and simple directional arrows is available for weather vanes. The design of your barn’s weather vane should ideally reflect the lifestyle and type of activity carried out at your property. For instance, if you own a breeding farm, a weather vane depicting a mare with its foal would be appropriate. On the other hand, if your facilities’ activities are focused on ranching, a weather vane featuring a cowboy on horseback or a rodeo-themed design would be suitable. Other potential designs for weather vanes could include horses, cows, bulls, or other ranch animals.

Cozy Fall Home Ideas

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

Autumn has reached Colorado. The leaves have started to change color and the summer temperatures are starting to cool. For Colorado homeowners, this time of year marks a change of scenery in the household. Fun décor elements like fluffy throws and pillows, candles, and warm autumnal colors are common. Continue reading for some popular cozy fall home ideas. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Popular Fall Home Ideas

As the temperatures start to cool, make your home a warm oasis. Start outside with a thick fabric welcome mat by your front door. Inside, use long curtain panels to insulate your home from the cold. Also, use soft throw blankets on your sofa and chairs. Similarly, add a fuzzy rug to warm up your floor. Don’t forget your bedroom! Swap out lightweight summer sheets and blankets for heat-trapping flannel sheets and winter-weight comforters. Add a fleece throw across the foot of your bed to bring the entire room together.

If your home has a fireplace, autumn is its time to shine. Though many homes in Colorado have fireplaces, they often go unused. Cleaning a used fireplace is tedious and messy work. Instead of burning firewood, fill your fireplace with thick pillar candles and light those instead. Also, don’t forget to dress your fireplace mantel. Use natural elements like gourds, leaves, and small potted mums for a autumn feel. A basket filled with a comfy blanket or two adds texture and color to your hearth area.

Preparing Your Property For Horses

Photo by Julián Amé on Unsplash

Though most homes zoned for horses in Colorado are already suitable for them, that is not always the case. Horses need more than just land area. You’ll need a few outbuildings to serve as tack rooms, sheds, and more. Continue reading for more tips on preparing your property for horses. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Tip on Preparing Your Property For Horses

How much work to do will depend on what kind of property it is. Undeveloped property will likely require you to remove trees, boulders, and brush. When searching for a horse property in Colorado, keep the land’s natural resources in mind. For example, is the soil adequate for what you plan to do with the land? Does it have natural watershed protection? Also, make sure any foliage on the property is not harmful to horses. Otherwise you’ll have to make plans to eradicate them before moving in your horses.

Though most of the time it is wonderful here, Colorado is no stranger to harsh weather. Every season is different, so horse owners will want to establish a shelter for their animals suitable for all types of weather. This means you’ll need designating horse sheltering zones. Whether it’s an enclosed stable or a run-in shed, all shelters need to be draft-free and waterproof. Remember, humidity can cause overheating and distress in horses. You may even have to install circulating fans with automatic thermometers that help maintain comfortable temperatures.

Choosing The Right Tractor

Photo by Walter Sturn on Unsplash

Do you use a tractor to maintain your horse property? Many horse owners use tractors to cut their pastures and to haul hay. However, tractors cost a lot of money and are a big investment. Continue reading for a few things to think about when looking for the right tractor for you. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

The Right Tractor For You

When researching for the right tractor for your horse property, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Generally speaking, the size of your Colorado horse property will help determine the type of tractor you’ll need. For example, a small piece of land may only require a small to medium sized tractor. These machines perform simple and small-scale tasks. A larger property requires more work to be done, including hauling, heavy lifting, or hail baling. Therefore, you’ll need a large tractor with a more substantial Horsepower.

Start by making a list of all the jobs that you will be using your tractor for. However, note that your list may change in the future. Many horse property owners buy tractors with more capabilities than they need. You never know when you’ll need more horsepower. You might need to haul away a tree that fell on your fence during a storm. Or perhaps you decide to get a trailer and offer seasonal hayrides to make some extra money in the fall. With that said, there is no shame is getting a smaller rig on the aftermarket. You can always upgrade to something bigger later.

Barn Surveillance

Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash

Does your barn have a security camera? Perhaps you want to prevent theft, unwanted visitors, or vermin from getting into your barn. Maybe you need to monitor a pregnant mare or a sick foal without interrupting other responsibilities around your horse property. What ever the case may be, there are many benefits to having a surveillance at your barn. Continue reading to find out which systems we recommend. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Barn Surveillance Cameras

There are many different security cameras that are great for barn surveillance. Before purchasing a camera, determine your needs first. Do you need a camera that can be accessed remotely? Do you need a camera that has clear night vision or is weather resistant? Also, what is your budget? Some cameras require an internet connection. You can get a camera with network connectivity or just get a large memory card for continuous recording and video playback. Therefore with these questions in mind, here are two of the most popular cameras on the market.

The most popular barn surveillance cameras on the market are Reolink and RangeCam. The Reolink Go is wireless and also has a long-lasting battery. It provides images in 1080p full HD and is solar-powered. Is also does not need Wi-Fi connectivity when equipped with a SIM card and cellular data. On the other hand, the RangeCam activates by motion and allows for remote viewing with different surveillance options. It also includes a feature to receive photos and videos at specific intervals. This is a great option if you are expecting a pregnant mare or if you want to keep an eye on a sick horse.

Adding A Chicken Coop to Your Barn

Photo by The Brewers on Unsplash

If you are just starting out with growing your homestead, a logical first step is to acquire chickens. They create a sustainable food source and make great additions to farms. Before building a new chicken coop, consider more cost effective ways to house your new chickens. Below are a few tips on how to include a chicken coop in your existing barn design. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Adding to Your Barn

Instead for spending a ton of money on building a brand new chicken coop, consider renovating an existing structure on your property. This could be a barn, a run-in shed, or even an old garden shed. Any of these structures can adequately provide a separate and safe space for your new chickens. We’ve even seen horse stalls and tack rooms converted into a chicken coop. Always ventilate enclosed rooms. Here are a few more things that you should consider when converting an existing space on your horse property into a chick coop.

We are enjoying a nice warm summer this year, but we all know how cold it gets in winter in Colorado. If you live in a cold area, like in the mountains, any partially covered structures need to be completely enclosed. This is precisely why building your chicken coop inside your barn will be an easier renovation. Close your barn off at night to prevent predators from harming your chickens. During the day, open your barn to let your chickens run free in a fenced barnyard. Chickens are happy to share their daytime outdoor space with other animals, like goats, sheep, and horses. There is no need to build a separate outdoor space if you already have something for other animals.

How Your Horse Property Can Work For You

Photo by Amy Reed on Unsplash

Wouldn’t you like to know how your horse property can work for you? These days supply chains aren’t always reliable and retail prices have risen. For horse owners this means that you might be looking to make some extra cash off your property. Here are a few simple ways how your horse property can work for you instead of the other way around. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

This Is How Your Horse Property Can Work For You

Does your horse property feature a riding arena? Whether it’s indoor or outdoor, riding arenas can be a huge asset. To make some extra money, offer riding rights to others via a monthly membership. Even if you have an unused pasture, you can rent it out for grazing. You will even save time and money on mowing the grass! In both cases, there is little to no upkeep needed from you. Just make sure there’s some sort of written agreement to ensure renters know what you expect from them.

Another way to make money from your horse property is by re-selling unused hay. Often horse owners buy more hay than they need. If you purchase hay in larger quantities you can often negotiate better pricing. Why not resell what you don’t use in smaller lots at higher prices during the winter when hay is in short supply? Also, consider selling your horse manure. Horses produce more than eight metric tons of manure per year. Connect with your local gardening groups or community gardens to discuss their compost needs. Not only will you make money, but you’ll also be connecting with your community in a positive way!

What is a 1031 Exchange?

Photo by Dillon Kydd on Unsplash

Are you looking to invest in a horse property? You may be able to obtain one with a 1031 exchange. A 1031 exchange is a swap of one investment property for another. Most swaps are taxable as sales, although if yours meets the requirements of 1031, then you’ll either have no tax or limited tax due at the time of the exchange. Continue reading for more information. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

How to Use A 1031 Exchange

1031 exchanges have several nuances, but looking at it broadly this is what it entails. You can change the form of your investment without cashing out or recognizing a capital gain. That allows your investment to continue to grow tax deferred. Also, there’s no limit on how frequently you can do a 1031 exchange. You can roll over the gain from one piece of investment real estate to another, and another, and another. Although you may have a profit on each swap, you avoid paying tax until you sell for cash many years later.

This is why you’d want to use this type of investment exchange. If it works out as planned, you’ll pay only one tax at a long-term capital gains rate. To qualify, most exchanges must merely be of like-kind—an enigmatic phrase that doesn’t mean what you think it means. You can exchange an apartment building for raw land, or a ranch for a strip mall. The rules are surprisingly liberal. You can even exchange one business for another. However, if you are planning on staying up for a while then this strategy is not for you. Talk to your financial advisor to see if a 1031 exchange is right for you.