Adding A Chicken Coop to Your Barn

Photo by The Brewers on Unsplash

If you are just starting out with growing your homestead, a logical first step is to acquire chickens. They create a sustainable food source and make great additions to farms. Before building a new chicken coop, consider more cost effective ways to house your new chickens. Below are a few tips on how to include a chicken coop in your existing barn design. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Adding to Your Barn

Instead for spending a ton of money on building a brand new chicken coop, consider renovating an existing structure on your property. This could be a barn, a run-in shed, or even an old garden shed. Any of these structures can adequately provide a separate and safe space for your new chickens. We’ve even seen horse stalls and tack rooms converted into a chicken coop. Always ventilate enclosed rooms. Here are a few more things that you should consider when converting an existing space on your horse property into a chick coop.

We are enjoying a nice warm summer this year, but we all know how cold it gets in winter in Colorado. If you live in a cold area, like in the mountains, any partially covered structures need to be completely enclosed. This is precisely why building your chicken coop inside your barn will be an easier renovation. Close your barn off at night to prevent predators from harming your chickens. During the day, open your barn to let your chickens run free in a fenced barnyard. Chickens are happy to share their daytime outdoor space with other animals, like goats, sheep, and horses. There is no need to build a separate outdoor space if you already have something for other animals.

How Your Horse Property Can Work For You

Photo by Amy Reed on Unsplash

Wouldn’t you like to know how your horse property can work for you? These days supply chains aren’t always reliable and retail prices have risen. For horse owners this means that you might be looking to make some extra cash off your property. Here are a few simple ways how your horse property can work for you instead of the other way around. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

This Is How Your Horse Property Can Work For You

Does your horse property feature a riding arena? Whether it’s indoor or outdoor, riding arenas can be a huge asset. To make some extra money, offer riding rights to others via a monthly membership. Even if you have an unused pasture, you can rent it out for grazing. You will even save time and money on mowing the grass! In both cases, there is little to no upkeep needed from you. Just make sure there’s some sort of written agreement to ensure renters know what you expect from them.

Another way to make money from your horse property is by re-selling unused hay. Often horse owners buy more hay than they need. If you purchase hay in larger quantities you can often negotiate better pricing. Why not resell what you don’t use in smaller lots at higher prices during the winter when hay is in short supply? Also, consider selling your horse manure. Horses produce more than eight metric tons of manure per year. Connect with your local gardening groups or community gardens to discuss their compost needs. Not only will you make money, but you’ll also be connecting with your community in a positive way!

What is a 1031 Exchange?

Photo by Dillon Kydd on Unsplash

Are you looking to invest in a horse property? You may be able to obtain one with a 1031 exchange. A 1031 exchange is a swap of one investment property for another. Most swaps are taxable as sales, although if yours meets the requirements of 1031, then you’ll either have no tax or limited tax due at the time of the exchange. Continue reading for more information. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

How to Use A 1031 Exchange

1031 exchanges have several nuances, but looking at it broadly this is what it entails. You can change the form of your investment without cashing out or recognizing a capital gain. That allows your investment to continue to grow tax deferred. Also, there’s no limit on how frequently you can do a 1031 exchange. You can roll over the gain from one piece of investment real estate to another, and another, and another. Although you may have a profit on each swap, you avoid paying tax until you sell for cash many years later.

This is why you’d want to use this type of investment exchange. If it works out as planned, you’ll pay only one tax at a long-term capital gains rate. To qualify, most exchanges must merely be of like-kind—an enigmatic phrase that doesn’t mean what you think it means. You can exchange an apartment building for raw land, or a ranch for a strip mall. The rules are surprisingly liberal. You can even exchange one business for another. However, if you are planning on staying up for a while then this strategy is not for you. Talk to your financial advisor to see if a 1031 exchange is right for you.

5-Star General Contractors in Colorado

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Believe it or not, December may be a good time to do some home renovations. Business is slower for general contractors and materials may be less expensive. Also, contractors may be eager to find work since this is usually their slow season. Continue reading for some of the top rated general contractors in your area. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Top General Contractors in Colorado

One of the best general contractors in Colorado is Ace Handyman Services. Ace started in 1998 and have served over 100,000 homes. You simply can’t beat those numbers! Ace does it all. They do tiling for kitchens, baths, and entryways. Also, they can help with deck builds and repair, including siding, fascia, and soffit repair and replacement. They also do doors, drywall install and repair, texture, electrical, fence and gate repair, flooring and dryer vent repair. They have guys for gutter cleaning and repair, weather stripping, exterior maintenance, painting and staining, leaks and drips, garbage disposal, and faucet leaks. You name it, they can probably help you with it.

Another great company to hire general contractors is Handyman Hub, Home Repairs and Remodeling: Handyman Hub started 1994 and have served over 5,000 homes. According to them, “We pride ourselves on our superior customer service and providing quality workmanship at an affordable price. Our craftsmen are the best in the business, with an average of 26 years of remodeling experience. We do not markup materials, saving you money. You’ll be glad you called Handyman Hub.” Also, they specialize in home repairs and remodeling, bathrooms and kitchens, tile repair, tile flooring, luxury vinyl flooring, and grout repair. Handyman Hub can help you with caulking, lighting, faucet replacement, garbage disposals, toilets, safety bars, drywall, paint, doors and trim, molding, carpentry, decks, gates and fence repairs.

5-Star Rated Gutter Companies in Colorado

Photo by Lachlan on Unsplash

Before you know it, it will be snowy season in Colorado. You know what that means—it’s time to get those gutters cleaned out. Don’t know any good gutter companies in Colorado? No worries. We’ve put a list together of some of the best gutter companies we’ve working with in the past. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Top Rated Gutter Companies in Colorado

One of the best gutter companies in Colorado is K Guard. K Guard was established in 2017 by Brain, the son of Jackson Bain. K Guard has a personal touch because they are a small company of about eight employees. The goal of the K Guard system is that homeowners will never have to clean their gutters ever again. This ultimate goal is Indicative of their motto: “Make the last time you cleaned your gutters the last time you clean your gutters.” The guards that they install above your gutters are guaranteed to keep debris from clogging your gutters and they offer different warranty packages.

Another wonderful gutter company in Colorado is Leaf Guard. Leaf Guard has been in the gutter game since 1966 and that kind of experience is invaluable. They have served well over seven thousand homeowners. Leaf Guard strives to “deliver a legendary, hassle-free customer experience by providing you with a superior product that gives you peace of mind, protects your home, and keeps you off of ladders. We educate homeowners on different gutter protection options and why Leaf Guard provides superior results.”

Five Star Rated Roofers in Colorado

Photo by Austin Walker on Unsplash

Need to repair to roof of your horse stalls or barn before winter? Though many repairs on your outbuildings can be done yourself, roofing is a bit more tricky. Unless you have experience working with roofing, hire a professional to do the work. Here is a list of some of the five star rated roofers in Colorado. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Five Star Rated Roofers in Colorado

At the top of our list of five star rated roofers in Colorado is K&H Home Solutions. K&H has been around since 1956, so you know that have the experience it takes to get the job done right. “K&H has been creating happy and delighted customers, just like you, for over 60 years throughout Denver and along the Front Range. Our vision is to deliver the best home improvement experience possible before, during, and after our client’s remodeling project. Our entire foundation is built on a legacy of providing a deeply satisfying experience to ensure that you know you made the right choice with K&H Home Solutions.”

There’s also Thiessen Construction & Roofing. A family owned business that’s been around since 2002. And being a family business, Thiessen Construction & Roofing provides very personalized service. They use the same installation crews for all of their work. Theissen offers 5-year warranties, which is great when it comes to the harsh Colorado climate. Also, Theissen doesn’t ask for any money up front. They make sure you’re completely satisfied before paying.

The Truth About Mountain Homes

Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

Are you looking for a home that offers peace and quiet with amazing mountain views? Moving to a mountain town will give you some of the best views in Colorado and less neighbors to deal with. But not every mountain home is worth the hassle. There are some things that you should ask your realtor about when looking for mountain homes to purchase. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Ask Your Agent Before Buying Mountain Homes

The first thing you want to talk to your real estate agent about is finding a mountain home with good accessibility and utilities. Find out how the road is cleared when it snows or ices over. And when it comes to utilities, ask about the septic tank and how it gets serviced. When things break down over time, they will need to fixed by professionals, many of which require a large utility vehicle. If your home is hard to access for large trucks, then that can be a real problem or cost you more money down the road.

Always keep location in mind when checking out a property. If you are an avid skier, then living near a ski resort will be a plus. However, if you are not a skier, know that there may be extra traffic and people in the area for the skiing attractions. Also, ask about the condition of the roads or check them out yourself when viewing the property. Is the road/driveway paved or not? It is not uncommon to see a gravel road and driveway up to homes in the mountains. Do you have the proper vehicle to get up the incline in snowy weather? Remember, this is not to discourage anyone. These types of homes are often wonderful and give many homeowners are a great quality of life. Just make sure you know what you’re getting into before signing a contract.

Barn Apartments

Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash

Barn apartments are living spaces built into or above barns. There are many benefits to having this type of living space. Barn apartments serve many purposes. They provide housing for caretakers. Barn apartments are often used as a study or recreational space. They can even be used as a guest house for visitors. Planning is an important process when building any living space. The following are a few things to consider when working on your own barn apartments. Also, if you are looking for a horse property for sale in Colorado, contact Colorado Horse Property today and speak with one of our horse-person realtors.

Barn Apartment Planning

The first thing to think about when building your barn apartment is noise. There’s no way around it—horses are noisy. This makes sleeping in an apartment that’s beside or above a barn challenging. When planning out the space, try to position the bedroom next to or above the tack or feed room. These types of rooms are typically more quiet than the rest of the barn. Unfortunately, some designs can’t accommodate this. If you have to put the bedroom above the horse stalls, remember to use sound dampening materials during construction. A well-insulated room is just as good at keeping out animal noises.

Like any living space, your barn apartment will need utility access. With careful planning, you can take advantage of the utilities that your barn already has. This is particularly good when it comes to plumbing. By positioning the bathroom and kitchen above or next to the barn’s bathroom, you can use the existing piping in your build. The same goes for installing heating and electrical systems in the living space. Piggy-backing on ducts or electrical lines that are already there could save you time and money in your build.

FAQs Colorado Horse Properties

Photo by Filipe Dos Santos Mendes on Unsplash. Horse properties.

Owning a Colorado horse property means that you can have your horses at home. This is a fact that’s much more appealing than the alternative of keeping your horses boarded off-site. Not only is it less convenient, it is also very expensive. Therefore, if you’re planning on becoming first time horse buyers, you might have to move in order to have the space and freedom you need. Here are some facts about horse properties that we get asked about a lot. You should consider them when looking for a home for you and your horse.

Frequently Asked Questions about Colorado Horse Properties

Space is very important and you should determine how much land you need before you start looking at properties. Three acres may be sufficient if you want to have a small backyard barn with two horses, but that will differ from person to person. Plan ahead of time of how much you want to grow your herd. You may need more land than you originally thought. Then there’s barns. Some horse properties will already have them and some of them will not. Just because a house is zoned for horses and other animals doesn’t mean that the previous owner had them. Therefore, the property might not have a barn. There are many barn builders in the state of Colorado. Plan out how much of a barn you will need and then shop around.

What about pastures? Are they already available on the property? Are they large enough to support the number of horses that you plan on having? If possible, look at the quality of the grass in the pastures. Having pastures with lots of grass can help to reduce your hay bill during the summer. Finally, take a step back and look at the overall layout of the property. Is the barn located behind the house or off to the side? Are the pastures easily accessible by road? A property’s layout can be a major feature which isn’t easily changed. The Realtors here at Colorado Horse Property know what to look for when it comes to horse properties and can help you find the perfect home for you. Give the Colorado Horse Property team a call today!

How to Prevent Barn Fires

How to Prevent Barn Fires

Winter is the best time to prepare your property for barn fires. Barn fires can be very devastating, not only to the owners but to the products and animals inside them. Take some time this January to think about what is in or around your barn that could be a risk of causing a fire. Here are a few tips when it comes to preventing barn fires.

Preventing Barn Fires

Smoking around barns is unsafe; it is also one of the most common causes of fires. Your barn and property must be smoke-free. Implement a “no-smoking” policy on your property and post signs. Enforce your policy actively. While many people cannot install sprinkler systems, everyone can and should install smoke detectors. You will need a detector that has the ability to distinguish smoke from dust. In order for your smoke detection system to really work, it must be installed by a professional who knows exactly what type to use and where to place individual detectors. Lightning is more common in some areas of the country than others. Strikes are more likely in exposed areas, particularly at high altitudes. Lightning is also common in some states such as Florida. Regardless of where you live, it is relatively simple to protect your buildings from lightning. Lighting protection consists of a rod and a grounding device.

Do not store combustible items in your barn. These include gasoline, volatile fluids, aerosols, paints, and compressed gases. If you must store these items, keep them away from people and animals in separate structures that are designated for storage. For more information, contact Colorado Horse Property. If you are looking to buy a horse property in Colorado, talk to one of our premiere horse person realtors today.